Experienced, Professional, Personal Guidance

Writing, teaching, publishing: these things are not easy, and it can be difficult to know how to get help. But there are practices and principles that can help you move forward in your projects and attain your goals, whether it’s a publication, completing a graduate program, getting tenure, or just improving yourself generally.

As the author of 4 books and lots of writing of all sorts (peer-reviewed academic articles, essays, book chapters, short stories), I am practiced at every stage of the journey from conception to completion. I have negotiated with publishers, directed theses, and sat on the committee of a major university press. I have been able to do all this not because everything is just easy for me: I struggled for years to finish my dissertation. But in the process, I developed a method that has allowed me to reliably produce high quality work, and I have found that it helps others also.

So don’t keep struggling alone: reach out, and let me help you elevate your process so that you can say the things that are in you and longing to be said.

Client Testimonials

Dr. Johnson is an exceptionally organized, clear, and careful thinker and communicator. His teaching helped me hone analytical and writing skills that I’m still using today.

Ryan McAnnally-Linz

co-author of the bestselling Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most

After reading  The Father of Lights and struggling with where to begin on my doctoral project, I scheduled a discovery call with Dr. Johnson. He was attentive to my personal experiences as well as to my academic background. Besides receiving a list of historical and contemporary sources to help me begin my research, I left the call feeling more confident and hopeful. In fact, I had such a positive experience that I scheduled a follow-up call with Dr. Johnson and enrolled in one of his courses. Hands down one of the best experiences I have had in my academic career.

Lindy Brasher

University Minister for Social Justice, Loyola University New Orleans

As a fairly recent graduate of a PhD program, I—like many in my position—have lately struggled with my own process of vocational discernment. In light of those struggles, Junius Johnson has provided a patient and understanding ear, serving as an invaluable source of prudent spiritual direction. I never had Dr. Johnson as my professor in any formal sense, but he nonetheless repeatedly went out of his way to make room for me as an emerging scholar at the academic table, even though he had nothing to gain personally from thus including me. His students are fortunate to have someone so wonderfully welcoming as their instructor.

Katie Wrisley Shelby

Independent Scholar

I am grateful I met with Dr. Johnson for coaching on my book writing project. Before I met with him, I knew what my book was about; I had a basic outline and had written a couple of chapters. However, as I continued writing, I felt like I understood my book less and less. I was dismayed and wondered if I should have begun this project. During our time, he reviewed my outline, provided feedback on my scholarship, and coached me in a few different mindset shifts I could make, along with offering very practical things to get back into the flow of writing. The effect was that it increased my confidence and belief in my project. I walked away with renewed excitement and a practical vision of what to do next. He even followed up with detailed examples of the practices he shared with me. He knows what he is talking about and genuinely cares about supporting people to get their ideas into the world. If you are considering working with him. I say go for it. I am glad I did.

Jennifer Ruth Dow

Executive Director, Paideia Academics